Tuesday, June 27, 2006

JD 202

On an unrelated note but unworthy of a separate blog, yesterday I was appalled at what I believe to be an example that our society is not morally fibrous. A father was pushing his young son no older than four around Target when the boy asked rather loudly "Where are the [bleeping] toys?" To my dismay, the father did not reprimand the child or even seem to notice. But I digress.

After a much longer delay than expected, here is JD 202: The Quirks and Nuances that Comprise Who I Am

-I don't mind talking on the phone, but I hate making calls. Rare is the day that my cell phone is actually turned on.
-I love to shop at Hollister but have such an aversion to Abercrombie & Fitch that I have not set foot in one ever. And yes, I do know they're affiliated.
-I have not eaten sloppy joes since I was six years old not only because I do not like them but also because I am of the belief that they cause "weird" dreams.
-When eating at a restaurant and ordering a burger with fries, I proceed to eat every single fry before digging into my burger.
-I eat my burgers, hot dogs, and tacos plain. I absolutely hate condiments.
-I have begun to write at least four books but never completed them due to lack of interest or a shift in philosophy.
-At one point, I believed that long-distance relationships were better than hometown ones. I also had the Side Dish Theory, which in retrospect was pretty offensive.
-I cannot whistle normally. I can make a whistling sound by inhaling rather than exhaling.
-I never learned how to ride a bike and never intend to do so as I have my driver's license and a car.

Well, those were a few of the many quirks and nuances that comprise me. Stay tuned for Jakob Duehr 333.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Things are more like they are now than they ever have been.

Well, it's been about a month since I last blogged. I certainly didn't intend for it to be that long, but quite often life doesn't turn out as intended. This past month has certainly been eventful, so I'll give you just a little rundown.

To start the month, I drove up to Hanover Park for counselor training. The trip there was long overdue, as I had promised myself for quite a while that I would go up to Evangel to visit my buddies. Meh, they probably haven't missed me that much. In any case, that went well, but wasn't really anything I didn't already know considering I am a seasoned veteran of Sr. High Camp, which takes place from July 17-21. I'm pumped.

I had jury duty at the Bridgeview courthouse. While listening to my iPod and reading the last book in the Left Behind Series, I was also able to watch Oprah and The Price is Right. After watching those and a video about courtroom procedures narrated by Lester Holt, I was free to go, as there were no new trials. Sweet deal!

For the first two weeks of the month, I finished up Physical Geography. Note to you kiddies: never take an online summer course unless you have motivation of iron. It is tough to sit around doing work while your friends are enjoying themselves. But alas, I am done, and I did much better than previously expected.

My grandparents' pool is open, and I am excited about that. If any of you who live in relatively close proximity to me would like to come along sometime, just let me know. It'll be good times.

I didn't work too much at Target at the beginning of the month, but my hours have begun to pick up, which is a good thing for summer, I guess. I got another one of their famous "Thank you" notes a little while back. I can't believe it's almost been a year that I've worked there.

I took my Basic Skills Test for teacher education. One word: joke. No wonder we have so many teachers who probably belong in other professions.

At one point, it looked as if I were going to be making my first successful pursuit in a long time, but 'twas not to be at this time. I sort of sensed within myself that it was not the Due Time, and for that reason I was fine with it. I still wonder if I find the chase to be better than the catch.

Finally, I looked at my cell phone, and I have only gotten four incoming calls the entire month. Yikes. If you have my number, ring me up. If not, ask me for it.

Well, that's been the last month. Stay tuned soon for Jakob Duehr 202 and 333.